Gluco8 ( 桑唐饮)

Gluco8 ( 桑唐饮) - A Remedy For Diabetes

Gluco8 is formulated from herbs with medicinal values - Mulberry leaves, Chrysanthemum and Chinese Yam

How it works :

1) Mulberry leaves, Chrysanthemum & Chinese yam enhance glucose intake rate and utilization by cells

2) Increase the synthesis of glycogen - converting glucose into readily mobilized energy and stored as reserve energy

3) Inhibits the decomposition and absorption of disaccharides in small intestine, in turn controls the surge of blood sugar level after meal


1 box = 60 bottles


We will send our advisor to make personal delivery for this product as this is a medical grade product and dosage is to advise according to user's condition. A blood sugar test will be done by our advisor on-site and dosage to be advised accordingly.

Global Team Arditi Id:946007095 © 2025 
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