Yin Essence

Yin Essence

Benefits :

Promotes proper body fluids production

Improves Yin deficiency of women at all age

Regulates immune system and endocrines system

Anti aging

Promotes and regulate the balance of Yin-Yang in the body


Yin Essence contains active polysaccharides as its main ingredient, fortified with carefully selected tonic herbs such as Black fungus, Poria, Wolfberry, Mulberry, Dried longan, Job's Tears seeds (Chinese pearl barley), Lotus seeds and Jujube. State-of-the-art technology preserves the amino acids, vitamins, minerals and trace elements content that caters to women's specific physiological needs


60 bottles x 10ml

Drink one bottle each time (shake well before drink) 2-3 times daily. Do not drink together with Yang Essence.

Global Team Arditi Id: 980016397 © 2018 
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